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Monthly Archives: May 2024

Dollar Rebound on Fed’s Hawkish Tone

Written on May 23, 2024 at 4:59 am, by

Market Summary In yesterday’s market, the U.S. equity market took a breather after all three major indexes had risen more than 5% in May. All eyes are now on Nvidia’s earnings report due on Wednesday, which has the potential to spur the equity market further. In Asia, the Chinese stock markets also saw a retracement,Continue Reading

Gold Prices Back to All-time High Territory

Written on May 23, 2024 at 4:58 am, by

Market Summary Asian equity markets opened strongly at the start of the week, buoyed by the bullish sentiment from last Friday’s U.S. market performance. Investors in the U.S. are eyeing Nvidia’s earnings report on Wednesday, anticipating another AI-driven rally. On the other hand, geopolitical issues in Eastern Europe and the Middle East have intensified, drivingContinue Reading

Soft CPI Hammers Dollar to Monthly Low

Written on May 23, 2024 at 4:56 am, by

Market Summary Yesterday’s U.S. inflation gauge, CPI, rattled financial markets as the dollar index (DXY) plunged nearly 1% and equity markets jumped following a reading below market consensus. The April CPI came in at 0.3%, lower than the previous month, alongside flat Retail Sales data at 0%. This downbeat economic data has fueled hopes forContinue Reading

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